Today I noticed, the more you indulge in taking care of yourself, the more you feel positive. Taking control of your life and your happiness will make you feel empowered throughout the day. I have too much on my plate to do like making green tea in the morning, making healthy breakfast, doing makeup, getting ready for work, taking care of dear ones, writing a blog, learning new stuff regularly, getting a daily dose of news and much more. Although these are the small things still sometimes I have felt out of control. Even the little things in our life need to be taken care of. So, even if you think it is tiny, start taking charge of it because achieving bigger starts with the small achievements. One cannot be at the top of the game in just a click; it takes lots of hard work and planning. Thus, it is your habits that make you a person you ever want to be. So, if you are in line with your habits then the possibility of enjoying the life you want increases. For example, I want t...