Summary of "The Ice Cream Girls"
Summary of "The Ice Cream Girls" The book "The Ice Cream Girls" is written by Dorothy Koomson, described as a best-selling adult fiction writer. To know more about her, you can check her website:- This book is my first read from the author's collection. On the whole, it is an average read. Given, some of the content might be disturbing as it contains sexual abuse and mental torture, so pick your read after reading this review. It is a story of two teenagers Serena and Poppy, who fell in love with their schoolteacher Marcus. Even though the relationship was torturing and mentally draining for both of them, they hadn't tried to end it. One fine day, when both of them get into an ugly spat with Marcus, the latter end up dead, putting girls in a spot of being murderers. Both of the girls denied the accusation despite being the only witnesses of the incident. After trials, Serena got acquitted, whereas Poppy ended up in prison for twe...