Saving my Day


 Waking up early is a difficult task in itself, so a big shout-out to both those who are doing it and who are working to achieve that goal. It is not an impossible task but requires plenty of willpower for execution.

I was a late riser too, and I drove and pushed myself almost every day to wake up early, but it wasn’t working well for me. There were days when I would wake up early, and there were days when I would leave my bed too late and disappoint myself. Of course, there are days when I retire to bed late, resulting in waking up late. I ended up ruining my whole day. So, I have come up with a few things to do to help set my proper waking time, which is:-


  • I finish my dinner maximum by 08:30 PM.
  • No screen time is 10:00 PM.
  • I keep my water, gooseberry juice, Aloe-Vera juice right next to my bed so that the first thing I do in the morning is to drink them without any fail.
  • I put a book beside me which I have to read in the morning.
  • My journal is along with the book, for I love to write a few things/ideas in the morning.
  • I select my clothes for the next day, and when I say this, I mean every single thing, even my scrunchie.
  • I get my nighttime skincare routine done in 20 minutes or so.
  • I get myself a nice cup of relaxing tea or sometimes milk with honey.
  • I tie my hair up in a loose ponytail. (I love my hair)
  • I read 4-5 pages of a light book before going to bed. Although it is hard to leave a book after a few pages, that is what control is.
  • Now, time to sleep. I put on my eye mask and drift off to sleep paying gratitude for the present/future.


I have also created an emergency routine which will be shared in the next post. 

 RavinS ❤❤


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